Friday, August 15, 2014

Who I Am...Who I'm Not

I've been on this planet almost five decades and never really told my story.  Granted...I haven't traveled the world or won any awards (except for "Most Enthusiastic Vocal" in chorus senior year...but's something).  I have however dealt with depression and suicide ideations for as long as I can remember.  Maybe my story will resonate with one of you, maybe it won't, but it will put a face on what mental illness looks like.

My first memory of depression was at twelve years old.  I was a sixth grader and still pretty much the new kid (I had only moved there the year before).  We were doing a play called "The Pied Piper of Hamlin".  My LA teacher had handed out our lines and I had a small paragraph to memorize.  I was painfully insecure and knew I couldn't learn it, so I asked for a smaller part.  Instead of "Sure, I understand."  I got "What do you mean it's too big a part to learn?" loud enough for the entire class to hear.  And they laughed.  That was the first time I felt mortified...and all these years later I still feel sad for that kid.  That was also the first time I wanted to die.  At twelve years old.  I took a bunch of aspirin at bedtime and was crushed when I woke up the next morning.

Junior high was no easier.  I was horribly bullied, my "friends" were all into partying and peer pressure was brutal.  I had my male and female friends who got me...and most are still my friends to this day.  I really didn't fit in anywhere and had no idea who I was.  It sucked.  Once I got to high school, my closest friend in junior high became my steady boyfriend and I discovered chorus.  I think those two things kept me sane throughout my teen years.

I can't tell you how many times growing up I thought of suicide.  Too many.  When my parents divorced, when everyone but me left for college, the night my roommate made me vomit because I took pills.  Nobody knew what to do back then.  The attitude was "Snap out of it".  There were no pills, no protocol in the eighties.  You just suffered.

I can honestly say the nineties were OK.  My son was born in 1991 and I met my husband in 1995.  I was raising a child and had found the man of my dreams.  And was working full time and making a paycheck.  Was I perfect?  Hell no.  But I survived.

My mom got sick a few months after I had met my husband, which knocked us for a loop.  Stage 4 Lung Cancer.  I never got "depressed" while she was sick.  I was too busy planning our wedding and raising my son and helping her.  When you deal with depression, helping others takes your mind off of your own problems.  Which is what I did.

The new millennium started off with a bang.  I found out in September of 2000 I was pregnant.  In January, when I was 27 weeks along, my husband became sick.  He was hospitalized for a week and bedridden for the last trimester of my pregnancy.  My daughter was born in May, was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect in October, was hospitalized for a week with double pneumonia in February and had open heart surgery in April.  All the while my mother was in the end stages of her cancer battle.  She died in December of 2001 just before Christmas.

Through all that was going on, there was no time to fall.  At every setback it was pick yourself and keep going.  After awhile even the strongest can't be strong anymore.

I can't tell you when I broke for the first time...2004?  2005?  It's all a blur to me.  I remember the first time I was hospitalized.  It had to be 2004 because my daughter was little.  I have no idea now why I had to go inpatient.  I know I was crushingly depressed.  I only remember the terror of being dropped off and watching my husband leave.  I was there for almost three weeks and he came to see me every night after working all day.  I came home and lasted half a day.  I ended up back in for another ten days.  And the cycle repeated itself over and over for four years.  Again...I don't remember much.  Pills in the morning.  Classes all day.  Pills at bedtime.  I saw things I never want to see again.  I'll never forget the "faces" in the ward with me.

But I also will never forget those who helped me.  I had one case worker the first time I was admitted inpatient.  Her name was Nancy and she was wonderful.  When I ended back at the same facility two years later, she saw my file and took it so I wouldn't have to start all over again.  When you're in the system, there is nothing more frustrating then explaining your story over and over and over again to new people.  It's like you become a number.  It's why so many people give up.

My battle almost came to its end in June of 2008.  This is where if you've never been you will will never ever understand.  I was tired of being depressed, tired of being medicated.  I felt unloved and just a total burden to my family.  And it's honestly believe the world would be better off without you.  So I bought two packs of sleeping pills and left a simple note..."I'M SORRY".  A police officer found me semiconscious in my car.  I have blurbs of that night...a and blue lights...someone saying "Oh my God there's a note."...charcoal...and hallucinating.  I saw clocks.  Dozens of them.

This is how fucked up our mental health system is...they sent me home the next day with a number for the crisis hotline to call everyday at 6pm.  WTF?  I just took pills and you send me home?  After that I ended up doing outpatient for three months.  And guess what?

I got better.

Do I still struggle?  Of course I do.  I lost one of my closest friends to suicide this year.  He was good at hiding his pain.  He was always telling me to was a running joke we had.  I suspected he was down, but never to extent I would ask him he was thinking of hurting himself.  When his last words to me were "The world would be better off without me." I knew he was serious.  He shot himself ten minutes after he said goodbye to me.

As much as his death broke my heart, it brought me to my new therapist.  He was booked solid, but when he heard my situation he made an exception and took me on.  Turns out he lost his sister to suicide.  He understood.  He is just a wonderful human being.  Every week he peels another layer off of me and every week I heal a little more.

So that's my story.  Depression is real.  I am not healed...I will never be healed.  But I have learned to cope, and ask for help when I need it.  Life is difficult...just don't give up.  People love you and will help if you ask.  Thanks for reading. :)

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