Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's My Blog and I'll Cry if I Want to...

I was always told "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."  That being said, this blog is going against that.  If you don't want to hear me bellyache, my blog post ends here.

I have a knee issue.  I've had it now for almost three months.  Here is the "official" description...

Pes anserine bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa located between the shinbone (tibia) and three tendons of the hamstring muscle at the inside of the knee. It occurs when the bursa becomes irritated and produces too much fluid, which causes it to swell and put pressure on the adjacent parts of the knee.

To sum it up in three simple words?  IT SUCKS BIGTIME.

There isn't much that can be done.  I had my shots, I ice it religiously and stay off it.  I haven't done squat all weekend.  And it feels...OK.  Til I pivot wrong or hyperflex it.  Or walk too much.  Then it's back to it being angry.  I have pain meds for the night time...that's about it.

Could it be worse?  Absolutely!  I could have a torn ACL or have to have my knee replaced or any other number of horrible diseases.  I get that...I do.

I've had a hysterectomy, I've got ten tattoos.  Hell, I gave birth to two big babies naturally.  But this?  This is so different from all of that.  It's fucking hurts 24/7.  It's changing my personality.  I'm trying so hard to not let it get to me, 'cause face it, everyone has their own problems.  I'm not going to be THAT person. 

So this is my one bitch session.  If you got this far?  Thanks for listening.